onboard sound isnt working

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by wells86, May 27, 2005.

  1. wells86

    wells86 Guest

    well heres my dilemma. thought I would treat myself to a new pc case and decided to fit it myself. I swaped everything over from my old pc case to the new one, plugged all the connections in, power supply, hardrives,
    dvd burner etc, but left out the front USB connections and front audio becauase wasnt sure where exactly they went. So once I was sure that everything was connected up I booted the pc and everything else was working except for the sound, so I checked sound, audio and game controllers and by windows everything was working properly, but thats not the case, so I thought to myself, could it be the speakers, So I got my extra pair of speakers that I have and connected them up, but still nothing. Im hoping that I havnt damaged anything on the motherboard when moving it to the new case, if that was the case though, wouldnt windows tell you that theres a problem. So if theres any computer whizz kids out there that have knowledge on this sort of thing, please point me in the right direction to getting my sound working again.


    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2005
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    check in the bios that the onboard snd is still enabled. check that you didn't dislodge any jumpers off the motherboard. in windows, it the sound test button in gray or black??
  3. p4_tt

    p4_tt Active member

    Feb 3, 2004
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    There could be a chance that the audio port on the motherboard was damaged when you swapped cases. Try installing the sound drivers again and see what happens. If it is down to damage you can pick a cheap sound card for like 10 bucks.
  4. wells86

    wells86 Guest

    good idea about going in to the bios, forgot about that. Its saying my audio is enabled, thats really puzzing me. The jumpers are fine, its set on pins 1 and 2. also tried updating the drivers but windows says there isnt a better match than the hardware you already have installed. Im starting to think this problem cant be fixed by browsing through windows explorer. Im thinking something could be physically damaged. Although on the second hand, I cant recall any componants being damaged when I checked my motherboard for any problems, any componants relating to sound looked normal, not damaged. could the problem be because I didnt connect up the front usb, and audio ports.

    thanks for the quick responses by the way
  5. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    in control panel, is the sound test button gray or black. what is the make & model of the motherboard??
  6. wells86

    wells86 Guest

  7. p4_tt

    p4_tt Active member

    Feb 3, 2004
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    If your going to update then i would find out the make of your onboard sound card and google it, i find that when i click the update driver button it never turns up anything. Here's a stupid question could the sound be on mute?
  8. wells86

    wells86 Guest

    lol. I checked to see if mute was on, but it wasnt. That was one the first things i checked. Would you recommend uninstalling all drivers then installing them again.
  9. p4_tt

    p4_tt Active member

    Feb 3, 2004
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  10. wells86

    wells86 Guest

    thanks for the link, I'll check it out.

    just updated everything there, still no luck. I think I will have to deep in to my pocket to get this sorted, I'll get it round to the local pc shop to get it looked at. Here thanks for your help anyway, it was much appreciated
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2005
  11. p4_tt

    p4_tt Active member

    Feb 3, 2004
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    No prob we try our best, really dude i would just buy a very cheap 5.1 pci sound card it will save you alot more cash in the long run.
  12. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    One thing to look at, the header where your audio front panel connectors and your manual.

    Sometimes there are links (jumpers) that are required to be connected if you DONT use audio front panel outputs, and these links usually are removed if you do.
    If these links aren't there then this can cause no sound.

    My opinion, just connect the front ports up and see (hear) what happens................

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