Hi there! I have 2 hard dives. My primary is a WD 120GB and the slave is a WD 250GB. I restarted my computer and my primary boots up fine but when I try to access F: (the slave) windows tells my that my drive is not formatted. Not Formatted WTF? Not even 2 mins before I was in the drive. I just want to know if there is any way to salvage my data or am I going to have to perform a complete hard drive wipe and start over. Thanks a lot.
What exactly were you doing before the restart that caused the problem? Installing software, downloading off the net? Need a bit more information. Jerry
Jerry- Before the restart I was listening to a song on my now blank hard drive. I downloaded an IE language pack right before I restarted the pc. Vurbal- The drives are connected to an ATA Controller Card UltraTX100 or something along those lines.
I ran into a similar situation with a drive controller card quite a while ago. At the time I was running Windows 98 and Windows 2000. I had problems with the card's driver in both OSs and a one time, when I restarted, the drives on the controller showed up as unpartitioned. I was never able to get the data back from them, but it wasn't critical (I had just hooked them up) so I just partitioned and didn't worry about it. I don't know if this is the problem you have, but it could be. I couldn't find a driver that worked right until I started using the generic Windows driver. You might want to see if you can find a newer driver for the card. It probably won't get your data back (don't know if you can or if this is what the problem is), but it's a good idea anyway.