One Of The Funniest Threads Ever Made

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Xmonkey29, Jan 9, 2006.

  1. Xmonkey29

    Xmonkey29 Guest

  2. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I had a hell of a good laugh! ... Gerry
  3. Starrift

    Starrift Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    Wow and he actauly belived that BS LOL i think im gona die of laughfter... me thinks me spelt that last word wrong...
  4. sly_61019

    sly_61019 Senior member

    Jun 28, 2003
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    I remember when that thread was made. There were many phuc jokes after that 1.
  5. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    yeah that was pretty funny nice way to mess with a guys for the conspiracy movie ive seen it and i believe the american government is capable of screwing with people heads.i live in australia so the american government can't touch me.
  6. Jamzbond

    Jamzbond Regular member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    I decided to read the thread with some apprehension thinking that I've been in some which were pretty hilarious and could rival any other here at AD. So now I stand corrected. That was definitely the funniest thread I've read at AD.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2006
  7. sobhy2406

    sobhy2406 Regular member

    Feb 8, 2004
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    It should be put in a hall of fame for being the funniest, good times
  8. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest think the American government can't touch you because you're in Australia? That's naive thinking my boy! Haven't you heard of the Italian govts suits and warrants against the CIA? It seems that people the American govt is interested in are mysteriously disappearing from the streets of Italy. Granted, that is the CIA not the FBI but the difference is a mere technicality. They're everywhere and if they want you, you'll mysteriously disappear.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2006
  9. Jamzbond

    Jamzbond Regular member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    THEY'RE EVERYWHERE?? OMG!, let's review that list again; lead lined walls....check,fake ID....check, and dont'a forgeta to speaka ina codea, lol. It just doesn't have the same ring to it as when Deadcat said it, but I just couldn't resist(....i'm taking a cheezy joke time out). I don't think I need Miss Cleo to tell me where this thread is heading. I look forward to it though. Heck why wait!.

    Ever wondered why the Mars Rover didn't find any human-like life form on Mars?. That's because the Martians have pilfered and ruined that planet and have left it and come here in their invisible silent UFOs and are now secretly colonizing earth. All they left behind was some seemly innocious organism which gives us false hope that life can infact exist on Mars. They are infiltrating the mind of the head honcho a NASA to pursue the space explorations of Mars so that he can take us all from Earth to Mars and leave Earth for them. And when they are finished they may very well colonize, ahem....Uranus. So not even there is safe from them. We will then meet our doom on Mars because this seemingly innocious organism is infact flesh eating bacteria. The kind mentioned here .....only mutiply that by 1 trillion. The NSA, FBI,CIA, Scotland yard and KGB are unaware of this very secret plot to annhilate the human race and despite being told repeatedly by humans who are abducted by the silent invisible alien ships and have been returned (prolly because they have anger management issues, strange customs or they speak a language that can't be understood/translated, like say some people from.......hmmmmm, Ireland!). These de facto Earth guardians have pain-stakingly chronicled their ordeal in reputable & irrefutable print media sources such as 'The Enquirer Magazine','The Sun', 'The Daily Mirror or 'The Daily Telegraph' and electronic media eg the Jerry Springer Show & 'The Daily Show' with Jon Stewart, 'Da Ally G' Show, etc. I mean what do you do when you hear stories of 'Close Encounters', you shrug your shoulders and think the person should be committed. Maybe you wanna rethink that next time. Now run out and but a copy of 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus' and read it A.S.A.P. It may be your only hope for survival.
    lmao. I'm heading to confession as you read this. Strange thing is, I'm not even remotely Catholic :)
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2006
  10. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    I won't even're too damned good! But I'm sure its true,,,every damned word you said! They'll show the FBI and CIA a thing or two. Maybe boxdevil2 KNOWS he's safe in Aussie land because HE'S A COLLABORATOR!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2006
  11. Starrift

    Starrift Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    wow that is niave... Hey xboxdvl2, havent u seen that Conspiracy movie or Munich ? if they want u for any reason, then ur gone :p
  12. Jamzbond

    Jamzbond Regular member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    Actually you're not so far from the truth. He was abducted by the silent invisible mothership and while being there he posted to AD as Xboxdevil. Upon return recently he now has the opportunity of being an 'Earth Guardian' but that only works if the debriefing by the aliens fail. 'Debriefing' is solely to have an earthling believe that the aliens are good and lure others into a false sense of security. An 'Earth Guardian' in the purest sense of the word is really a good individual who uses their experience to warn others but this only occurs if the alien life form has been completely removed from the earthling host. But sometimes the returned/rejected earthling get their wires crossed during debriefing mostly because of the denseness of their cranium which renders them impervious to any form of thought imprinting so they end up being confused, frequently vacillating between being pro-alien & pro-human. This usually puts them in a repetitive 'on/off' psuedo manic-depressive state which is a delicate & fragile balance between being a mouth-piece for the aliens(manic state) or being an advocate for mankind (depressed state). I think that Xboxdvl2 is a beta version of Xboxdevil and he is presently in that dubious transitioning period. His posts have been noteworthy recently so we will allow this one case of remission in the hope that in the near foreseeable future he will in fact complete the revision and upgrading program with flying colors.
    BTW Xbox that little 'tequila bar' that you went to this morning was a urine specimen collection station. Just letting you know what the little plastic container is for.

    Last edited: Jan 10, 2006
  13. Starrift

    Starrift Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    well now that was an........... interesting way of saying it LOL
  14. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Yeah, Yeah, you're's just like that ol' classic sci-fi flick where the aliens are like these simbiants who take over all these little blond haired kids who walked around in an unsmiling daze and who'se eyes turned red when they were about to engage in this mind-zapping thing (what was the name of that flick anyway?) He came as xboxdvl and one of the mods wisely saw that something evil and conspiring was afoot; he could "feel" the evil seething right through the monitor and banned him. But what happens?...he returns as xboxdevil2 ... but was it true contrition or, has he realized that his objectives would be more easily reached by blending in in the guise of normalcy; an intellectual camouflage of sorts. Notice also that he hasn't been on...I'll bet he's about his evil deeds in another site using the name "Sonofxboxdvl". No indeed, he doesn't fool me for a min. He's one of them critters if ever I saw one.
  15. Jamzbond

    Jamzbond Regular member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    My my Gerry, how effortlessly loquacious, imaginative and eloquent....and you initially didn't even want to try(shame, shame). I knew that the regimented military training would be put to some other good use one fine day. That was pretty darn good.
    BTW, for the record Xbox I am only kidding.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2006
  16. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    i dont know if ive told you this or not but ive made numerous post calling george bush a power mad dictator a war mad dictator just havnt called him a w****** yet.i hate the american government they know it and i know.personally i dont hate every american person just the government.they have better stuff to do then fly all the way out to australia and try and track me down even if i did insult the american president.

    @gerry1 did you ever see the video of the KGB that was shown on tv exposing how corrupt and crooked they were.the guy that made that disappeared a month after making it and is suspected to be dead.he is actually dead they just can't find the body.
  17. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Xbox: I, too, am only kidding...just having a little fun albeit at you expense LOL!

    @Jamzbond: Ah, I'm waiting for some constructive criticism regarding my excessive use of the ellipsis; a bad habit I picked up here at aD, I think. You are certainly right about loquacity (though perhaps circumloquaity would be more appropriate); I can also be imaginative and even eloquent but only with some effort and a couple of drafts. You, on the other hand, are astonishing; one has to be rather adept at the use of language and imagination to write with that sort of speed as well as creativity while remaining coherent and true to one's P's and Q's! It's as though you were engaging in this Freudian free association thing without straying from your thesis; absolutely remarkable. If you're not a professional writer, you certainly should be!

    That was fun and I think I could get good at it with practice. You were correct about the effect of military discipline applied to other, even artsy pursuits but if the seed for this unusual (unorthodox?) skill was ever planted in my thick skull, it was in the seminary studying theology; endless hours of logic and P's and Qs, volume upon volume of reading material that could be both cerebral and lobotomizing at same time without violating the laws of non contradiction, learning to syllogize validly from premesis to conclusion while maintaining the soundness of each premis and the countless hours of mental masturbation and the pain associated with the inevitable absense of climax. Indeed, given some effort, I think I could get good at it and give you a run for your money!

    Alas, you couldn't possibly understand how your words have saved me from the dark abyss of regret. For decades I've lamented the years spent studying things which I thought useless in a tangible and materialistic world where mere words, however great the precision and eloquence with which they're issued, cannot pay the bills and buy the decadent lifestyle for which I've always secretly yearned. Your words have given me a glimmer of wasn't pointless after all! If I give it a little effort, I could have a lot of fun word-sparring with you and give you a run for your money. Lordie Lordie, I've been given a life with a purpose!

    Now, if only I could learn to spell! I grew up speaking french and have never quite gotten the hang of spelling in english. Well, enough of this loquatious but unimaginative rambling. I look forward to trying this again sometime! (You must think I'm a real space cadet which, alas, brings us back to the subject of the thread.)
  18. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    I'd love to be acquainted with this 'deadcat' fella. He is a top Joker!!

    I'll admit, I was creasing up reading the first page. After that though, the joke lost it's origionality & they totally murked it..
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2006
  19. Jamzbond

    Jamzbond Regular member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    Ah Gerry, tis not that I'm reticent, but you have found me wanting for words. That was pure genius, really. I have always seized any opportunity to manipulate the English language to my own liking, afterall it's the only language I know well so I was forced to have a stalwart command of it. Infact I sent you a PM to enlighten you that [bold]lie [/bold]is the acronym for loquacious, imaginative and eloquent,lol. I have always found languages to be quite fascinating and even though this is quite remote from my profession I have always embraced the opportunity to engage in thought provocative banter, quite often in a circumspect fashion. I write poems as well and that also helps in honing my creative skills. I have tried to learn the social greetings as well as a few other words in several languages and at this very moment I am green with envy that you are fluent in French, but I take solace in the fact that I can sound intelligent for about 3 mins if I attempt to speak Spanish. If it's spoken slowly I can understand a fair amount of what's said but I have difficulty speaking the language.
    I thoroughly enjoyed the exchange though and thanks for the compliment. The same can without a doubt be bestowed upon you. I'll let you in on a secret though. Not matter what I'm doing on my computer I always have my browser open and the following web page open I have found this to be a saving grace almost everyday, for pronunciations, word meanings and as a thesaurus. You could check it out.

    You tolerated the jokes very well, albeit at your expense and I commend you for that.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2006
  20. Jamzbond

    Jamzbond Regular member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    @ Lethal
    If Deadcat cops the honour for best comedian in that thread then Hursty, Squizzle & Nrk4594 all tie for best supporting comedian. Wouldn't it be great if any one or more of them read this thread and responded.

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