Only some channels tuning in on Nokia DBox2

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by keithnola, Jan 8, 2007.

  1. keithnola

    keithnola Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    I've recently purchased a Nokia DBox and when I perform a scan I can only get 42 channels. I've tried with both Sportster and Commando images and both find the exact same 42 channels, even by doing a brutforce scan. I've also taken the services.xml from a friend who can get all channels but I can still only get the same 42 channels, all of the other channels will give a "Channel Not Found" message when I switch to them.

    I have NTL digital at the moment and can receive all of the channels fine on that. I also have Broadband from NTL, since my cable connection is split one for TV one for Broadband I was thinking that maybe the signal strength is being affected and a booster may help, other than that I'd be greatful for any other suggestions.
  2. Paul1985

    Paul1985 Guest

    Hi which area are you in (NTL or Telewest) the bruteforce scan wont make a difference, the telewest scan code is 6952 and ntl 6887 if you are ntl try the telewest one, thats the only one that works for me and im ntl, i found commando 5 to be the most reliable image!
    Let me know either way whether you have sorted it or if this info helped.
  3. keithnola

    keithnola Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    I managed to resolve the problem in the end. I flashed with Cryo's Sportster Pro 102 Ultra, it has an option to switch to 1.73 mode which I did.

    Before that I tried about 10 other images including the Commando 4-6 and the later Sportster images.
  4. Paul1985

    Paul1985 Guest

    Oh okay, I had the 1.73 sportster but it said waiting for time, I actually think that was a problem with the internal tuner though, All the best!

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