The game appears to boot, one time getting as far as the Warning/Press Start to Continue screen. I keep getting either Onscreen Error "Can't read disc" Onscreen Error "Refer to instruction manual" Would this suggest I need to adjust the POT, or it's a bad burn/media...or could it be either! I'm guessing I've installed the chip correctly as it boots (and my imports work fine). Thanks!
Do you know that the particular discs you have burned to work with your cube? I've found nothing to work on mine except for Ritek 4x minis. Could be bad media for your burner or your POT value. I never had to change mine as it was 180 from the factory, but others have been much higher, and bringing it down a bit has worked for numerous people. I would check the POT foremost. The biggest bitch will be finding media that will work on your cube, at least it was for me. I've been through Ritek full size as well as Taiyo Yuden discs that will not work and so now I just have tons of blanks floating around my room. Good luck!
Thanks, I'm using RiData minis burnt at x4. As my DVD burner is bust (damn you LG!) and a friend burnt it, I'm not able to check the dye type. I think I'll test/adjust the POT first as you suggest, it boots so it's given me hope! The media that didn't work for you, did it boot at all? Ta!
Yup, I use the same media as that. Although I will say, they do not work perfectly. My backup of Mario Tennis required two burns, I found that the last one would produce a DRE in the same spot everytime. Everytime you won a tournament in that game, when it was supposed to go to the celebration screen, it would bomb out. I reburned the image to another disc and it has since been cured. Honestly, if you are backing up your games, I suggest you hang on to the isos because it seems you never know if a disc has a problem until it starts messing up. Sometimes its random, and sometimes it will error everytime a specific event happens. I also had a backup of Paper Mario,it worked fine until a certain battle, then everytime i hit the start button, i'd get a DRE. So now I ALWAYS keep the images backedup on my hard drive. The discs that did not work, it's kind of strange. I posted another thread related to this. I have a Viper GC Extreme. They won't boot directly but doing a disc swap allows them to work. Not sure why. The discs that won't direct boot, they spin up and then they just wind down, I never see anything, not a start to continue screen or anything. With the Viper, discs that will work have a tiny beep when they are doing the initial scan, and then launch, these don't make any noise and then they just stop. Hope that helps you!
after installing my xenogc chip, my cube would boot nothing I burned for it. Sometimes it would give a DRE or sometimes just hang at a black screen. I checked the dvd laser pot and it was at over 400 ohms so I turned it down to 210 ohms as per the modthatcube tutorial (the cube will drop it down another 10 or so at boot time). Now my cube boots everything I throw at it, even cheap no-name media! I'd give the pot a try.
Cheers mate, I adjusted the POT. I adjusted it down from it's standard 227 and it wouldn't boot at all. Wierd thing is that by turning it clockwise to 250 it would boot everytime, but error at a certain point each time. So I figure it's the burn speed/settings or the media. Although I didn't get a warning in Nero, I guess I could also try FSTFIXing the ISO before the burn. Should I FSTFIX [bold]all[/bold] images?