you know those guys who hold stop sign when there's constrution. will what happened if you go when they are holding a stop sign. cause i accudently went i though he was holding a slow sign. He said something. and i think he talk on the radio. Am i going to jail? am i going to get a ticket? I can not get a ticket or i'm dead. am i hopless? does anyone know the power of the sign holder?
if the sign was flashing red ye is in trouble... in some states the fine is double and same with points if they are used..speeding in a constriction site zone you will not go to might get a ticket in the mail. STOP OR I WILL SHOOT
I'm talking about a guy holding a stop sign. how can i get a ticket?? he only saw my linsence plate. can they do that?
worry about it when the cops come to your door if they do & start driving carefully as that could have been a school kid.
I know that cop is not going to come. I'm worrie that the guy who was holding the stop sign might report me. Does he have the autizaion to do this? It was not school zone it. they were fixing sidewalk.
I hope your right ddp. cause my parents will kill me if i get a ticket. I will be driving when i'm 50.
if you did some wrong,yes he can report your plate... Duty of driver in construction and maintenance areas. (a) Areas indicated by traffic-control devices.--The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to any authorized vehicle or pedestrian actually engaged in work upon a highway within any highway or utility construction or maintenance area indicated by official traffic-control devices placed in accordance with department regulations, including advanced warning signs or a vehicle having flashing or revolving yellow lights. Work vehicles displaying flashing lights.--The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to any authorized vehicle obviously and actually engaged in work upon a highway whenever the vehicle displays flashing lights meeting the requirements and regulations promulgated by the department. Fines to be doubled.--The fine for any of the following violations, when committed in a construction or maintenance area manned by workers acting in their official capacity, shall be double the usual amount: General rule.--Unless otherwise directed by a uniformed police officer or any appropriately attired person authorized to direct, control or regulate traffic, the driver of any vehicle shall obey the instructions of any applicable official traffic-control device placed or held in accordance with the provisions of this title, subject to the privileges granted the driver of an emergency vehicle in this title. Presumption of authorized placement.--Whenever official traffic-control devices are placed or held in position approximately conforming to the requirements of this title, the devices shall be presumed to have been so placed by the official act or direction of lawful authority, unless the contrary shall be established by competent evidence.
do not let it get to you,i went throught the same thing with my folks,i am still alive..and i had around 10 or 11 tickets..mine was for my age the only ticket i get now is a get out of jail free card when i play monopoly with my grand children.. good luck to ye...
My parents are different from yours. My parents said if i get any ticket or accient they will be grouding me till i die. If i receive a phone call or a mail about this. Then you guys should know that i'm dead. But let's hope that the person didn't reported me. I'm praying to god that the person didn't report me.
don't worry about it. as long as they don't see your face and no car chase ensues where you're pulled out of the vehicle, you get nothin'. unless they can prove, without a doubt, that were the one driving,you're off the hook. i've used this a few times to get out of stuff give your self some driving time, obeying all the laws you can, to learn the way cops and the law work with drivers. then you can start to get away with stuff. i've been driving six years and have the habits of the cops around here down pat. my average speed is about 80 miles an hour on 55 mph roads, has been for 2 years, and i have yet to get a ticket, lol. as long as you don't run any stop signs/lights and know good places to hide your car should a cop light up on you, you're gold.
I would go along with everything Auslander says EXCEPT the 80 mph in a 55 zone...that really depends where you live; I wouldn't take the chance until you've been driving long enough to know the habits in your area.
has anyone been reading? There was a construion on the street and the guy was holding a stop sign and i ran off.
yes & i also said wait til the cops come to the door than start worrying. how many days ago did this happen??
ddp and others are right: it's pointless to worry about something you can't change. Stay as calm as you can and wait.