Not sure if anyone has seen this or is interested...BUT... If you got to this site and click the go Free button on the right, opera are giving out FREE registration codes!!! Apparently it's part of their 10th birthday celebrations. Now I know some won't want one and some prefer Firefox (I run Both),but I also know some people don't run opera because of the ads, well now they have the solution. That's it, just thought I'd share. Later guys.
i tried to download opera and I keep getting an error of 530 people max blah blah blah. I will try back later. PS great deal if you ask me. THIANK -DMW- go here if you can't connect woth opera's web site.
Geestar give us a link when you find out how to make this one faster, your not putting firefox in the recycle bin are you?
Hi guys, glad you found it interesting. geestar20, I made a post on here a few months back about not being able to decide firefox vs opera. In the end opera became my primary browser, then firefox and lastly slimbrowser(IE based). There are still some pages I come across that opera doesn't like, but they are getting more rare. I could list the features that turned me, but I only wanted to let you all know about this offer before it ends, not bore you all with my personal review lol.
I haven't had enough time to use it (Opera) yet but I have downloaded it and received the serials. Do you guys really think it will/does give FireFox a run their money??
It might do, but Firefox will always have more fans because its freeware. But if people starting they can get Opera free at the moment, It could be a good battle however when Opera go back to charging people for their browser. Firefox will rule again! Especially when new versions of both browsers get released which won't be anytime soon. good to see u gen uniique1
Good to see you to J-Kwon!! I guess I could read for myself but I'm assuming you already know; is the serial they are giving away free for a trial period or is it every serial given will be fully operational PERIOD?
hhmmmmm....damn good question -uniique1-, we will have to see if it was just to get there download quota up???
Have any of you installed the Opera speak thing it's cool, you just select a bit of text right click and select speak and it reads it out pretty handy for those extra long posts. Also from
Yeah...I read thru the site and it really doesn't say. I know prior to this deal/celebration there was a trial version of the browser available but the only thing different I'm seeing note about this offer is that it's a [bold]full version[/bold]...nothing about the offer being [bold]full-time[/bold] If anyone has any insight, please POST!! Thanks.
Hi all, I couldn't find the answer so I went to the opera party chat room and asked. DMW: Hi all, do the free keys remove the ads temporarily, is it a trial? Or is it a Full registration? kahrn: Full Zop: DWM: Full. 12:12 <- Toro has left OperaParty DMW: Sweet Alastor: DMW: remove the ads entirely for the 8.xx series Hope their right, seems a cool offer while it's on. @p4_tt : I tried the voice thing, I was quite surprised, it's actually quite decent speech /Lazy mode enabled
Microsoft sam! I hate that guy, his droning annoys me lol. I've been reading random pages with Opera voice, quite amusing when someone uses lots of punctuation or spells wrong. Should keep me amused for a while today EDITED for dodgy spelling, while talking about it Cheers J-kwon.
I like the Opera talk, i can understand it a lot better than i could Old Sam, i downloaded the SDK pack and it has Mike & Mary there a lot better than Sammy boy.