I've been searching for hours but still can't find any proper info. Basically I have the M3 DS Real Rumble pack (with memory expansion). So if I find or buy a copy of Opera I can't find any details of how to install or run it. Do I place is on the micro SD card? Does it have to been in a particular folder? How do I launch it?
I have not tried this myself. http://www.handheldsources.com/M3DS/Download_M3DSR.html Scroll down to "DS Browser patcher tool" and snag the one you need. Use it to patch the rom. If you don't have the M3 Real to run it on you're SOL. I don't think the original Opera cart itself is usable with M3 Ram.
i just tried this and it worked. i used it to patch up the euro version of the opera browser since i couldnt find the US one. but it still worked.
Chinomen- just to clarify- when you patched the opera and it worked, were you using the RAM that comes with the M3 Real? Thanks.