I am not computer savy at all I tried to log on and everything seems to be ok as a regular boot but blue screen says operating system not found, I only use this laptop once and awhile the last time was maybe 3 months ago and I don't know what I was working on. I tried the recovery disc and it seem to be putting everything on and then stops and say operating system not found again. I am not sure what to do besides throw the laptop in the garbage it is a hp pavillion a few years old had windows xp and some other things I rarely used. Any suggestions.
just dont throw it out, send it to me if you dont want it! Um as for your question, I think your recovery disks might be faulty, call hp and they will help you to get your system working. They have great support. 1-800-HP-INVENT
laptop is out of warranty and they want $49.00 for 14 days coverage or $99.00 for 1 year coverage before they will assist.
I am so sorry about that, what kind of phone are you using??? Some of the letters are different on some of my phones, mabey you have an old phone. Now I can try to help you fix it but I dont know if it will work, first do you have any of the manuals that came with it??? Most Hps and compaqs have a partition of the hard drive you can use to restor the hard drive with. I am going to dig out my compaq manuals and see If I can find anything for you. You can always install linux as your operating system on it if you want, but it is a bit different then windows.
it is a hp pavilion ze5500, i downloaded the manual and some other info and still have the same problem.....
hp support is awful i have had 1 hp tower and 2 compaq computers one a notebook and the other a tower the notebook was a bad one everytime i called for support always seemed to get hung up on or they are just plain rude same when i had problems with the hp tower they are plain rude and un helpful anyway to your problem at boot press f11 like the person before me said and if your notebook has it a recovery screen will come up,if now well you will have to get a hold of a hp recovery disk,maybe u have a bad harddrive also
He mentioned he already tried a recovery disk that being the case there's a chance the recovery partition is now corrupted assuming it was repartitioned by the disk he used,with any luck the recovery partition has not been affected if however it has you can get the recovery disk as a download from microsoft,i've got mine on floppy for my desktop or if you can't find it there cruise over to hp's home site and use the search function by adding your make and model
I pressed pf11 and nothing happened at startup up, one thing I thought was unusal was in the bios it said hard disk none, I don't think that is supposed to be also when I tried all the methods to get started or boot up one other thing I read while the screens are changing is "cable not connected" or check cable ...so in bios when you tab over and or down to hard disk it says "none" and when trying to boot up one of the messages says check cable on cable not connected. In either case I put the laptop pavilion ze5500 back into my briefcase and re-stored in the closet for another three or four months until I have the patience or inclination to use it. Maybe I'll take my Mac Mini out of the closet and try that out (it's only been there for about a year)
sounds like a dead hard drive to me. open up the lappy, swap it out, use a retail disc of windows to install windows (not those damn recovery things), and you're gold.
could be a dead hdd like auslander said.try formatting it and install windows fresh and see what happen.if it gives you error still than could be that hdd.
You best get the lappy checked it maybe the hdd or a unit on the mobo that's causing the prob no point in spending money on an hdd if it does'nt fix it,also lets say it is the hdd if you get the exact same model that is installed you can put the new hdd's circuit board on the old hdd to recover any data you need assuming the circuit board is the prob,the circuit boards are'nt a permanent fixture and can be removed easily EDIT: Rip your old hdd out and shove it in an external usb housing and connect to another comp if you can access it then it's not the hdd that's the prob