Orginal Xbox Softmodded, How Do I Go Back To Unleash X

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by khara4life, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. khara4life

    khara4life Member

    Nov 19, 2010
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    I got a softmodded Original Xbox, I went to the Q drive on the xbox and accidentally deleted the "Skin" folder, now when i turn it on, the XBMC logo appears then the screen just goes black and stays that way, i went into error recovery mode so i can FTP a new skin to the xbox and it still does the same thing, so at this point i was like screw XBMC, I'll just go back to unleashX, but the problem is, i don't know how to do that...i remember when i softmodded it alonnnngg time ago, i made it where it boots into XBMC instead of unleashX, but i forgot how i did that, so could you please tell me how i can go back to just booting into UnleashX so i can run the games that are on the HD....thank you so much, and by the way, yes i Googled and researched my butt off and found no answers.
  2. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    lol..just use the AID disc you can fix xbmc from there either by reinstalling, or have a thumb drive connected to the front port & transfer skin back it should load as normal,the AID disc has advanced in the list you should be able to boot the file transfer software from there

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