Hy.... I have a windows XP PC and are trying to make this OSX Tiger V visual style (dont ñnow if you've heard about it but here is the link of where i downloaded the file:http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/45911588/) work but I can't. I have followed all the instrucions on the downloaded file but it still doent work 100 per cent. When changing the theme, I only see the icons and the background, everything else is as it was before. I WOULD REALY APRECIATE ANY HELP. PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!! Thanx in andvance
In order for XP to have full support for unsigned visual styles, you have to either patch the system with the uxtheme.dll patch, or use a program like StyleXP. Which are you using?
I am useing the uxtheme.dll patch and it is now working better (I get to see the toolbar and the new OSX window borders, but I still dont see the mac tool bar which appears at the bottom of the image of the link. Still, just don't worry, I give up. I better buy a new mac computer in teh future if I really want to have that menu Thanx m8
for the dock just download yzdock, that what i use and it works great, http://www.majorgeeks.com/download2790.html
np, if ya need some mac dock icons check this out, http://www.deviantart.com/deviation...ns&qh=boost:popular+age_sigma:24h+age_scale:5 pretty cool, using some myself.
Yeah I've been checking that page for a while... it has awsome stuff in it. Still I have a question with the dock bar you told me to download. How can I get some icons on to it? cause I only have those that came with the program when I downloaded it , but i would like to add some more.
"In order to add icons, drag and drop a file (.exe, shortcut, etc.) straight from Explorer to the dock area. In order to delete an icon, drag and drop the icon out of dock. Place the PNG images for your icons in the icons folder. Right-click on the icons in the dock, choose 'Property' and choose your icons images there. Right-click anywhere on your dock background and choose 'Setting' to change the settings that apply to the dock itself."
OK thanx... just one more: why does it shut down each time I turn off my computer? Is there any way of avoiding that?