Out with Copyright in with IP rights.

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by ZippyDSM, Feb 7, 2012.

  1. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Out with Copyright in with IP rights.

    Musing more about the processes of copy right , its foundation and the things we do in the modern age I have come to a new train of thought over how IP rights should flow. Since copy right is obsolete and prevents creativity its suppose to make flourish and is becoming another form of censorship against the masses CP/IP rights need to be simple if not we as a society do not need them.

    Let’s make this as simple as one can.

    A. This process seeks limit all forms of digital distribution for digital copies of unique physical or digital items to these rules.
    B.Unique physical copies/licenses are treated as any other physical item.
    C. In order for digital items to be protected under this process digital IP items must have clear and simple terms of ownership, exchange of ownership , exchange or refund back to the IP owner or distributor.
    D. The IP owner may only use a unique license, tracking number or hardware number to limit use of the IP item under question. Any other scheme or process to halt the ability of the end user to make a copy or backup is illegal.

    Intent: Trying to make ANY money. If fail its distribution must not be halted. If pass move to profit.

    Profit: Trying to make a profit. If fail its distribution must not be halted. If pass move to Public use.

    Public use:80% of quality of the most frequently sold lowest quality item from the IP owner. If pass its distribution must not be halted. If fail move to revenue sharing.

    Revenue sharing: Shares 25% of everything brought in or 40% of profit to the IP owner or representative. If pass its distribution must not be halted. If fail then the items or item in question may not be distributed.

    And yes I know I am an idiot tackling something idiotic but I do what I can :p

    Anyone read this?

    I am not really for copy right "anarchy"(my words) but it's seemingly better than a corrupt system of constant abuse.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2012
  2. Mez

    Mez Active member

    Aug 12, 2005
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    Zippy, you forget music is a small part of the copyright business.

    I think a copyright should NEVER last longer than a patent. Patents are a huge investment of resources. A copyright is implied for a photo. You can take a few in a second with the right camera. Why in God creation should a snap shot be protected for 100 yrs while a patent that costs 100 million dollars only lasts 17? Who ever gives the law makers more money gets it their way.
  3. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Well we basically doing away with copy rights all together and then creating a IP system that focus on profit flow from distribution.

    Also updated my train of thought so thees no more tracking/ID system parts C and D are dead.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2012

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