i got a question about resolution. what are good avi resolutions to convert to a decent quality dvd? I understand that if the avi sucks there isnt much i can do. just would like to know what to look for before i convert. Thanks in advance
If your AVI is not worth a fudsicle to begin with, it's nothing you can do alright. A good quality AVI has a high bitrate. Here is some info about how to convert to aa quality AVI, which will give you an ideea about what to look for. If you have a good quality avi, to get a quality DVD, encode at the highest bitrate possible to make the movie fit to a disc. Most converters offer a 2 pass encoding to increase the quality. DVD Flick works great for me, its output is excellent(and is free). http://www.dvdtox.com/increase_video_quality.htm