Hi, I have a music video (that I made) that I have exported out of Liquid Blue (the editing software) as an elementary stream, which is fixed to 720x576 pixels. I want to convert it to an mpg1 for people to download from the net. It is in PAL 4:3 format, so I have selected the source aspect ratio as PAL 625 line (seeings it's the only other 4:3 PAL option apart from 704x576 and 4:3 Display). My question is, when making music video mpgs for the net, should I set the output ratio to VGA 1:1, or PAL 625 line 4:3. I know 1:1 is for viewing the video correctly on a computer, whereas the second is for viewing on a television, but I'm wondering is it normal to make the mpg for main viewing on a pc or a tv? All the music video mpgs I have ever downloaded seem to be ok on my TV, so I gathered maybe it's normal to encode for tv display rather than pc. So in case I've totally confused you, which I probably have, my question is, should I make the music video mpg aspect ration 1:1, for pc viewing only, or 4:3, ready for a vcd? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I've noticed that TMPGenc selects alone the 'input aspect ratio', which the only part you usually modify. The 'output aspect ratio' is given by the Wizard (which you should use). Anyway, the AVI form is the best, since it's not PAL/NTSC but leaves others people room to encode it in the mpeg for they use. Xvid codec, more, is as good as DivX and free! My suggestion: to keep the size small, make VCD movies first, then compress them. After all, it's better to have a good quality VCD movie than a lame quality 720x400 movie! Ask to the Xvid/DivX forum to more things...