OK, I ve just made a VCD, but the file is 808mb, I know that you can fit 800mb on a cd, but what is the average space you can gain my overburning.... PS. I've checked vcdhelp and it says my burner is able to overburn.
Is that 808 MB for the video only or does also include the headroom? (add a few MB) for that. Actually, 805MB can fit on a 800 MB CD. For a lot of CD's, you can go as far as 810-815 MB but it's more trial and error. (Depends on the media.)
oh yeah, i have question about that too. can u burn more files to a vcd? because i borrowed this movie from my fwend and it's vcd, and the movie lasted for two hours. does anyone else know how to do that?
That is a pretty subjective statement. Yes, it is possible. As long as the source is extremely high quality (e.g. DVD), you can get a "watchable" VCD. How to do it? You have to play with the advanced settings. Go to http://www.dvdrhelp.com for some pre-made templates that purport to do this. Mind you, you can get up to 99 min blanks so that helps a lot too.