I just bought this laptop and i want to know how i can overclock it and is there a higher risk than overclocking desktop computers. The processor is: Intel® Centrino™ Mobile Technology featuring Intel® Pentium® M Processor 725 It's got 512MB of ram so any ideas and info will be appreciated
you can usually overclock using the bios however its a laptop so these features will most likely be locked out. My advice would be to leave it alone its not worth it. Its a mobile processor and has a low core voltage and the cooling inside may not be enough to handle it. a laptop isnt the best thing to overclock a desktop is. Even in the event that you manage to overclock it the battery life will be drained and probably for almost no performance gain. Because of its low voltage it is unlikely you will be able to increase the voltage much so that you may increase the frequency of the clock. I will put it simply if you overclock that system you have a very good chance of permantely damaging the hardware. But if you still want to do it you can access the bios by holding either F2 or the delete key on startup.