Well...that's my questions...I was thinking of getting a Tuniq Tower cooler for it, but I dont have the money for it...Is it safe to clock it to at least 3.0 Ghz on stock cooler? Any help will be appreciated...
Currently have my Q6600 OC'd on stock cooler maxxing temps at 65C. Case is Antec 300 with 2 case fans. Didn't have to adjust voltage or timings. (However after finals I'll be putting my Tuniq 120 in and going for 3.4 )
i would highly recommend getting a heatsink/cooler like the Tuniq Tower and not risk OC with stock cooling. sure it can be done, but it really isnt safe. and even if you do get it stable for hours or even days, the life expectancy of the cpu will be shorter.
Let me clarify that the max temp was under stress testing. It normally idles around 30C and rarely goes above the mid forties. It will be different from chip to chip though. You'd have to check how it handles the temps of the exact chip you buy.
Newer Q6600s need extra voltage to get past 3Ghz, or perhaps lower than that, if you need to raise the voltage at all, the stock cooler will be inadequate.