Sitting here I think I am purely insane, I have a Tb HDD and I am freaking the hell out that I am using 100 Gb. I'm on a witch hunt of files no matter how big or small that are out of place or what I think are useless. I have to keep my windows Taskbar to under 4 items and my desktop to 10 or 11 or I go nuts. All my files have to be named appropriately, music and shows tagged, Bookmarks cleaned and organized in folders, and I do this about one to twice a month. My life is nothing like this in reality I am the most unorganized person prone to not cleaning my room in weeks and don't bring in my locker, I mean this isn't a problem to me but am I just freaking nut?
The uninformed lay person might say, 'sub-clinically neurotic'. Of course the Professional would cloud it up in jargon, I.E. 'stark, staring, bonkers'.
if you consider your computer important and spend a lot of time on it, its understandable you want it to be easy to use and know where everything point in having files(ect music,games,programs) if you can't find them when you want to use them.I can be unorganised & messy at times but i try to keep my computer files where i can find them.
Let's trade computers for a week...I'll clutter up your hard drive with a few hundred GB, and you can clean out some of the clutter that completely fills my 4.5TB array.