Hi, I'm trying to load the latest software for the Starview box and as my P.C does not have a 9 pin serial connection I have purchased a a USB to 9 pin cable / adapter (GENELINK adapter purchased from Techfocus and said to be okay for connecting, software installed ok) when using the GTROM loader the option is only for Coms 1 to 4 Any help would be appreciated. Cheers.
Hi I had a similar problem, what you need to do is to go to Control panel > system > Hardware tab > device manager > Ports (com &LPT). You should see your USB to serial device in the list (make sure it is plugged in and connected) Right click on the USB to serial device on the list and open up "properties" Select port settings Click on advanced And at the bottom you should see a drop down list with the com port numbers you can allocate to the usb to serial device Select a free com port between 1 and 4 And obviously select the same on the GTloader Good luck ...............
Thanks, Both hardware confic and GTROM now both set as port 1, GTROM starts the download but progress stays at zero then a message stating Flash failed. I've altered the comm to 2 (GTROM and H/W properties)and still the same, Baud rate is set @ 115200 on GTROM and 9600 on hardware properties, changed both to 115200 (no different option on GTROM) but still the same. Any tips please. cheers.
Is the cable between the adapter and the starview a null modem cable? Did you load the drivers for the adapter on your p.c was the starview turned off before you plugged the cable in for the down load? other than that, not sure what the problem could be............
Connected via a USB to 9 pin serial adapter (bought online from Techfocus) which was used by another from Hackable.cc forum. I don't know if the adapter is serial link only or Null ( I've emailed Techfocus and asked the question). Just incase I have ordered a Null cable to try with the adapter. If that then fails I will setup my old p.c with a comm 1 port and try that. All software is installed for the adapter (Genelink (Genesys)) and connected to virtual port one. Will wait and see, I have a number of friends waiting on me to sort mine (then probably do thiers). Cheers.
Hi, I found the wholesaller selling Starview and with new software at very good price. http://www.i'manidiot.com edited by ddp
All done and dusted, I needed to dig out my old Laptop that had a serial port and hey presto! Thanks for the help.