Packet Sniffers are the devil

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by cptrodent, Apr 25, 2006.

  1. cptrodent

    cptrodent Member

    Apr 25, 2006
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    my privacy rights are being violated, and i really am at a loss for what to do. see, i live at home with my parents, and my dad, a proffesor of computer science, suddenly decided to monitor not only my MSN conversations, but my actual internet activity by using packet sniffers and messenger sniffers. we have a wireless internet connection that is WEP enables, etc... he uses his laptop to sit in the basement and log everything i do, which is NOT COOL. of course, i have no idea what the hell im going to do about. i was hoping there was a way to thwart the sniffer in some way, besides, say, not connecting to the network or messing with his computer in any way....

    any help here would be amazingly appreciated, really!!
  2. ~RoNin~

    ~RoNin~ Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    Do you use your own computer? Perhaps if you connected to a different wireless network he wouldn't be able to "see" what you are doing because he's not monitoring that network.. maybe that wouldn't work if he's got your MAC.. maybe he doesnt.. Hmm.. Tricky, Tricky.. I'll give some thought and get back..

    one solution.. Confront him. Ask him why he's doing this... BTW how old are you?
  3. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    Like Ronin said, there's very little you can do, other than asking him not to do that.

    @ Ronin : if his dad is really into computer science, then just switching networks (or encryptions for that matter) won't do much, due to the 100's of possible sniffing/packet intercepting programs that are out there.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2006
  4. ~RoNin~

    ~RoNin~ Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    True, as I sat back and started to think I realized that he could possibly be picking packets up all over... and thus he must have a MAC?

    You could install some software to encrypt what you send and receive but he would see and disable.
  5. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    I have two words for you Ronin, Airsnort & Ettercap... :)

    The only thing i can think of encryption wise is PGP, or some similar GNU version of it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2006
  6. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @cptrodent...O.K., give it up guy LOL! We want to know all those nasty little secrets you don't want your dad to stumble upon; I promise, none of us will snitch!
  7. cptrodent

    cptrodent Member

    Apr 25, 2006
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    Hahahaha, well, ok, from the beginning...I'm 17, a junior in high school. I use my computer for games, movies, etc. The norm, you know. Ok, so I "copy" the occasional cd/dvd or whatever, but my dad flips shit when I do. I'm pretty sure thats why hes doing it, or maybe hes just insane. No, I'm not a closet Nazi, no I don't look at gay porn, and no, I'm NOT planning to take over the world.

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