I have a pal DVD rip on my computer. I am hoping to play it on my region 1 dvd player, but before I burn I would like to know whether or not it will play once I burn it. The discs (DVD-R) I play on using have proven to work with the dvd player Could anyone tell me?
It more than likely won't play on the player. Convert the dvd rip to NTSC. You can use VobBlanker - run the files thru that changing the video format to NTSC - mini guide. This 'masking' method will work for most dvd players. Another way is if you have Nero - add the video files in Vision. You get a pop up at on the last screen saying something like 'contains more pal than ntsc do wish to keep the pal format' click no. Just do movie only also - menus won't work with either method.
Thanks for your help. In that case, there are more time efficient alternatives and I will pursue those first. Appreciate it a lot, though
Not a problem Herran Actually running them through vobblanker only takes 5-10 mins. You would then burn the output folder. Vision on the other hand takes about an hour - more or less depending on the pc specs.
THe only reason I would have picked the pal DVD over the Xvid rip is because I would have liked to have the meuns. Other than that, I'd rather just burn the xvid rip. Thanks anyways.