I'm trying to convert a PAL DVD to NTSC using ProCoder however the resulting VOBs don't have any sound. PowerDVD says the original DVD's audio is coded with Dolby Digital. I'm guessing that's AC3, right? I get sound alright during normal playback but why not after the conversion? Note I've also tried the conversion with NeroVision Express 2 (latest version) and get the same problem. Any ideas?
I'v ehad a similar problem in the past. Can you use DVD shrink at all ? Sometime the AUDIO_TS file must be included when backing up. PAL and NTSC have different settings. Sometime just fool with the Audio settings on a DVD player but is must be universally compatible good luck
I can't use DVDShrink since I only have the vob files. Not the original DVD disc. Video editing sure is a challenging endeavor!