Can anyone help? Ive copied VHS tapes to DVD's with no problem, but was wondering what is the best way to convert Pal format to NTSC format so it can be put on DVD or can it be even done?
The fastest way to convert pal to ntsc would be VobBlanker - free. This masking method works for most dvd players. Here's a link. If you have Nero - Vision will also do it.
Just a quick note. When using VobBlanker it does not actually change the film from PAL to NTSC and vice versa. It changes settings in the Vob's .IFO to make a DVD player read it as a PAL disc. It works great and is a real time saver. And although playback can be finnicky on some early model DVD players, for most if not all newer models this method works absolutely fine.
and heres a link to the guide binkie referred you too.... (binkie your links off buddy )
Txs PeaInAPod! I meant to post them both (have them bookmarked) - one just to show the screen shot from alkohol but forgot to add the other one. That thread got me using vobblanker to do the conversion!