I have a DMR-E80H that is about 3 years old and was running fine with the original firmware. I put in a new 8X DVD-R and it said it was incompatible. After researching the forums, I decided upgrading the firmware with the latest was what I should do. Big mistake. It worked fine the first time with the 8X DVD-R. But now, it will only read about half of the old DVD-R's that it created using the original firmware. And it also has a lot of problems with the new 8X DVD-R's. I have to restart it (unplug, wait, etc.) several times and sometimes it will be able to write to the disk. I have also reset to the original factory settings a couple of times to no avail. Is there any way to fix this? Can I go back to the original firmware? Is the machine basically a TIVO now? Please help!
It's from the panasonic website, dated 4/15/05. http://www2.panasonic.com/webapp/wc...oads?storeId=15001&langId=-1&page=DVDFirmware Thanks for your help.
Those updates are probably too old now --I`ve looked at them and the filenumbers don`t look familiar--I`ll check them against the uk versions and let you know, The only ways to go backwards in firmware are to have the e-eprom changed on the digital pcb in the unit---not for the faint hearted--or the other way is to hace the digital pcb changed which is expensive
The Panasonic firmware is almost 2 years old (4/15/2005). I hope you are able to find an update. It was working so well before I updated it. I actually have an eprom programmer around here somewhere. Haven't used it in about 20 years. But that would probably just make things worse.