Hi, I am having a problem with dubbing and editting on my Panasonic DMR-E95H machine and was wondering if anyone had a fix for it. My problem is that when dubbing shows from the hard drive to the DVD, I get errors. In high speed mode, dubbing will fail during the dubbing process for about 1 out of 3 DVD's. In regular dubbing modes such as LP, the picture and audio will freeze and for a second or so, another show from the hard drive will kick in before returning to the show I am dubbing. As far as editting goes, I record a 2 hour block of shows to the hard drive and the use the Divide Title feature to split it into 4 half-hour titles. I then edit out commercials using the shorten function. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? I checked and my unit was manufactured in April 2004 with firmware version 0850DL. I was curious if the firmware upgrade would correct the problem before I spend the time doing the upgrade and risk ruining my machine. Thanks!
Try a different brand of media. I've had good luck with the Fuji brand and Circuit City's brand called ESA. @
I don't think it is a media problem since I have tried 5-7 different brands already. No one of them seems to be any better than another in correcting the problem. Like I said, I believe that the problem is coming from the unit itself since it will freeze and cut into the picture and sound even when I am not dubbing.
Dividing title errors are part of the problems the update should fix. Crashing while burning is usually one or both of: poor media or heat. You can try two dozen brands and if they are all cheap, they will all crash. There are a very few actual media manufaturers. Most cheap brands are either made by the same cjheap manufacturers or are rejects sold in bulk. On my computer, I was trashing two out of five "cheap" disks (making them expensive, indeed). I upgraded to good DVDs and haven't lost one since. Also, DO NOT use 8x media! Stick with 4x. The machine was not designed for 8x and you could ruin your drive. I have burned over 150 Prodisk 4x Silver DVD-R DVD01X0121 DVD's without a sigle frisbee. As for heat, make sure that your unit is well ventalated and separated from other devices above and below by at least 2" (I use Vienna Sausage cans). The feet are *not* thick enough. bob