does anyone of the program password hacker? it only works if a password is saved on turns xxxxxxxx into popatopa..<<<<example i used to have it downloaded it from kazza burned it on a disk the lost it. anyone know where i can find it again
This program only shows what passwords are saved on the computer, such as aim, email, ebay, etc. just whatever passwords are saved on the computer will show up under the secrets tabs on the left. The great thing is the program doesnt have to install on your computer it just runs and reads the info on your pc and doesnt install a thing. It also gives the exact technical specs of your computer. It is the all out best program i've found for everything and it is so simple. Here it is.
siw is that what your showing? i checked it out not what i used to have, what i used to have was just a small box. maybe this works the same and better, i tryed it it found yahoo password but dont know how to use it to find icq pw and (win xp logon pw) if it can. please reply bank on some instructions thank you
Here is his homesite for the SIW software. Im sure you can find more and detailed info how to do what you are doing. i have no problem finding yahoo passwords etc with it that are saved on my computer. Also if you want to mess with windows log on passwords. with windows xp go to run and type in"control userpasswords2" without parenthesis. Passwords is either plural or its by itself, in the run command. I dont remember which, and im on my mac so figure it out yourself. You can go from there on your own
by the by its only aginst the law if you dont have permission to do am going to school for tech support i need these tools for safe finding passwords on costomers comp. something i dont need to install something i can run from a boot disk of flash drive. ok killer im not hacking in anyones comp without you are safe from me
once you have the program open, about the 5th tab or option down it says licenses click that theres all the cd keys for everything installed on your pc.
i just got a program that you burn to make a boot disk to boot up windows and bypass the loggon password it works but now im trying to insted of useing a bootup cd/dvd i want to bootup from usbflash i already know how to fix and adjust bootup order in bios, just wanting to know HOW TO MAKE IT BOOT FROM THE FLASH DRIVE already formated flash and have boot dos on it, thing is it wont boot the file im intending to use. any solutions? i even paste copy files from boot disk to flash still wont work.
I've never tried it before but, you say you have dos on the usb flash drive? Does it let you run it at all or show whats on the flash drive when you are in bios or trying to boot from it? Make sure the dos is correct otherwise i have no clue whats wrong. one more thing to try is what ever kind of image is on the flashdrive say its an iso image, then you should be able to boot that. So what kind of image or program file format did you have on the cd? dos, .exe, iso, etc?
i use hd flash formate (free) i tell it to make flaash drive dos bootable when i try booting with it does boot just wont boot the file. and you mut locate dos on you computer for hp formate to do it i downloaded hp flash and 98 dos files all where on same site. the file i had on the bootupdisk is iso. iv even tryed using imgburn to put file on flash as a iso but still all it does is bootd to dos and with c:/>....e:/>......d:/> my flash is in a f drive i try to type f: says bad comand.......when i boot from disk file automaticly opens and runs. any idea?
I googled some stuff and from this It looks like you need to have usb or flash drive as a boot option. to boot from the usb drive. Also it tells various ways of getting your computer to recognize the usb drive. I think with your problem check out anything it says at that site, or maybe try updating your bios? Either of those hopefully will work. I know you said you know how to change bios options etc, but try those that the site said if you haven't yet to see if they might work for what you are trying to do.
thanks for the info and sites i already switched my boot order to read usb first i am able to boot to c: command in dos just cant get program in flash to run and i do put it as a iso any programs made for creating boot up flash drives where you can put files on it as well? thanks again
i tryed things again cuz site you gave me made me think of another way but still cant get it ti work it does read this time that the iso img is there i named it pwboot and it was there just cant get it to run any ideas?