Hi my name is Dustin I need some help. My brother is nosey and i have files( video and wks) and no matter where i hide it he finds it and deletes it is there some way to put a password on my files so he cant delete them. Thz!!!!!
Well you can try an easy method (if you havn't done so already) try to hide the file. Right click on the folder and select properties/at the bottom of the box you will see "attributes" and but a tick in the "Hidden" box, select apply and then you will come up with two options choose the default and hit ok and hit the F5 button to refresh and it will dissapear. Now if you want to view the file that you just now hidden you can select tools at the top/folder options/view tab and under the "Hidden files and folders" put a tick in the "show hidden files and folders" and select ok. You can now view you file and its contents. The other methid is to pay for a software that will put a password on the file. Your choice. Any other questions feel free to ask.