Hi, I was wondering if anyone could send me a link to/ or to my email addy/ or give me full name of the MP4/video patch for NDS. I believe Nintendo created it, and it was on their site before they made a new one. I have searched everywhere for it, and have been having to convert my vids to low quality .dpg files to view on my M3 real. Thank you in advance for help. Adam470
I think this is what you're looking for. http://ds.gamespy.com/articles/632/632719p1.html http://www.gamespot.com/news/6128816.html I don't know if you can use this with anything other than a play-yan card and from what I've seen, it's no longer available.
That's it PLay-Yan thing. Will I be able to use it with my M3, or will it only work with the discontinued Play-Yan? Does anyone know a place I can download it to test? oh, and thankx for all the help. P.S. on THIS website I noticed it said "The encoding software, MediaStage v.4.2, is not capable to produce MP4 files, but Nintendo plans to release MP4 encoding software in the near future." That was said in 2005. Is there an application to do so at the moment? Or is there another alternative to having to play/convert .dpg files?
Play-yan is hardware. it's discontinued and it's discontinuation pre-dated most flashcarts, so i would not imagine that there is any support in a flashcart. No, you can't use your M3 or any other flashcart as a substitute. As Kittymat said, the NDS doesn't have the juice to play MP4. It's .dpg or nothing.
OK thank you. You guys helped a lot. P.S for anyone reading, a helpful fact is that NDS, definatlely on M3 DS Real, you can also play .dsm and .gsm video files as well as .dpg.