After installing the driver needed to run dvd43, when my computer attempts to enter standby mode i encounter an error saying Patin C is preventing it??? Has any1 encountered this??
By the way, PC driver is version 1.7, and it is installed on a freshly formated HP513a (system specs below)
I had the same problem. I ended up completely getting rid of it.I really liked my dvd43 but the Patin-Coufin drivers were to much of a problem. Try something else. What program did you need it for?
Check out the forums for rippers.I hear many praises fpr dvdshrink. I just downloaded it. Haven't used it yet. I'm sure it will be great.
coachhop94, needed it for the region free, for both my burners, no region free firmware available i know there are others available (dvdidlepro etc) but was hoping for a free workaround. I am allready using dvd shrink, which removes regions for playback (btw my standalone pioneer is region free pal/ntsc compatable) howerver my burners wont recongize the ntsc discs without changing region coding (and you only have five chances). Also using nero recode and dvd decrypter. May have found a work around by upgrading to v1.9 for some reason. Will post back to let ppl know If anyone knows of a [bold]free[/bold] region decoder/css removal tool that doesnt need patin coufin please let me know. Version 2 of dvd43 doesnt count btw as it is no longer free after 30 days
I have dvd xcopyplatinum it was working yesterday, but today it is asking for patin-couffin driver. I downloaded dvd43 but it didn't work. any ideas..
Hi, Patin coffin can be downloaded here
Nope, v1.9 doesnt fix it either Is any one having this problem? I think ill just turn system standby off rather than lose dvd43