Paying homage to my AD Family....well sort of

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Jamzbond, Feb 17, 2006.

  1. Jamzbond

    Jamzbond Regular member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    I'm a little daunted by the prospect of starting this thread because I don't know if I can sustain it but I'll certainly try. I welcome any contribution even if it's 2 lines which rhyme. But PLEASE!, PLEASE! don't say anything which will incense anyone. Let's make it "feel good", and funny. Now here goes.

    [bold]ADaunting experience[/bold]

    Roses are red & violets are blue,
    I accidentally bumped into AD as did so many of you,
    I created my account and as I logged in
    I was daunted by the prospect of being this new “AD virgin”
    As I trodded along in naivety nodding at everyone & everything,
    There was a loud outcry “run for your life!, take cover!, hide you kids!…. coz he’s coming!”
    Unfazed by the warnings I scampered along,
    Oblivious of the consequences being heralded by this throng,
    Then with a menacing intrusion that only a witches wand could contrive,
    A dark cloud then appeared overhead which obliterated the sky,
    From which the silhouette of an ogre rapidly took shape,
    As he descended to this mortal world with no wings or a cape,
    His looming presence and the ominous peril that lay ahead,
    Drove chills to my very core, for certain I’d be dead,
    I cowered as he leaned over, ensconced in fear,
    When I heard a voice say “hello little man and what pray tell is your name?”
    A feeble “Jamz” was all I could eek out, not daring to look at him,
    And with a kind voice he replied, “OK that’s cool and btw mine’s Nephilim”.

    Jamzbond copyright 2006
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2006
  2. weazel200

    weazel200 Regular member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    *Bravo, Bravo*

    "I was a poet and you didn't know it." Is what Jamzbond said next
  3. mackdl

    mackdl Regular member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    Excellent Jamz....

    You have a true gift of words. It is a pleasure to read your posts.
  4. Jamzbond

    Jamzbond Regular member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    Thanks guys. Arduosly working on others as we speak.
  5. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    There was a young man named Jamzbond
    Of whom we were terribly fond.
    But one day he vanished
    Without being banished
    The Prodigal Son did abscond.

    Repentant, our friend did return.
    A valuable lesson well learned.
    His family online
    With smiles ashine
    Were relieved of their weighty concern
  6. mackdl

    mackdl Regular member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    LOL, Gerry1, I will add you to my list of people with a genuine gift of word. Btw, you forgot to copyright.

    Myself, I know a lot about nothing.
  7. Jamzbond

    Jamzbond Regular member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    Thx Gerry1, what can I say. That was excellent. You da man. *humbly bowing* :)

    I was going to save this for next week but timing is everything as they say so here's another for y'all. Enjoy.

    [bold]Recent ADventures[/bold]

    It’s hard to know where to start but I’ll try the beginning since that’s usually a good place,
    Thing is, so much has happened that it’s hard to keep up with the pace,
    I have been tremendously enjoying AD except for a little Glitch,
    Which the Mods have fixed and with which we no longer have to dwell,
    But take note Afterdawners at the entrance of gpatel,
    Some have been banned and reformed in more ways than one,
    Even effecting gender changes as in the case of Ozzymary who’s now the reincarnated Toyotaman.
    A few “devils” have also roamed our streets creating havoc and mayhem
    But have returned to the console forums to successfully sort out many whining children
    A clan of foxes who tried to start a fraca, were dealt with rather swift,
    One of who’s cunning is now being put to good use....well, just ask Starrift
    Once in a while even the infamous provide inadvertent fun,
    Judging by the slurry of comments, some harsh some measured and some well…..just plain dumb,
    I recall GrandpaBW saying to Haha_LoL(spammer) if he knew the song “drop kick me Jesus through the goal posts of life” to which he retorted a resounding ”No”,
    Now I hadn’t heard the song before myself but the laughter I couldn’t withhold,
    As Grandpa’s next comment was to the effect of “believe me son, you’re scoring 3 points in the wrong goal”
    There are some who recently departed AD in an untimely way,
    Viz Gear & Jeanc1 who made our trips to AD very pleasant, day after day,
    We’ll hold them in our hearts and eagerly await their return,
    And we all no doubt feel the same sentiment about MaxBurn,
    But there’s lots to laugh about and ‘course it’s not all fun and frolicking in the rain
    Coz afterall it’s a tech site and knowledge is what we’re here to both impart and obtain
    To Drd & the Admin staff and all Mods who toil each and every day
    Thanks for ensuring the legacy lives on so that we can enjoy AD in our own special way
    And to all my fellow Afterdawners let’s continue to keep it clean, neat & tidy for all ages
    So that we’ll all feel welcome here....including Newbies,
    There’s so much I could say but I’ll refrain since I‘d prolly bore you to sleep,
    But I cross my heart that my tales I promise to complete,
    It’s more than just a fascination that I have with AD as you can see,
    Frankly speaking, I have an addiction
    So just think of this poem as......
    A work in evolution.

    Jamzbond copyright 2006

    Disclaimer: All characters portrayed in the previous document are fictious and this medium bears no liability for any inadvertent resemblance to anyone :)
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2006
  8. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    Wonderful, just wonderful :)
  9. kivory666

    kivory666 Regular member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    VERY nicely put Jamzbond, *applause*

    if anyone had such control of the written language, it is most definitely YOU my friend...

  10. Jamzbond

    Jamzbond Regular member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    Thanks guys. Hopefully I can keep it up.
  11. toyotaman

    toyotaman Guest

    roses are red violets are blue tell ddp to fly a kite and he will ban you too............
  12. Jamzbond

    Jamzbond Regular member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    LOL Toyotaman. I see you're doing better. Really this is a good sign. Just continue the reformation and use all the good advice you got make the necessary alterations. You'll earn people's trust and respect before you even know it.
  13. toyotaman

    toyotaman Guest

    thanks Jamzbond i will keep doing so

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    That's actually pretty damn funny.
  15. Jamzbond

    Jamzbond Regular member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    They should have shot YOU for this statement
    [/bold] in the Dick Cheney thread. I almost fell off my chair. I got red eyes from staying up reading the entire thread last night and I thought about posting there but quickly dismissed the idea. Saying something like "Dubya Rocks" :) would not have only fanned the flames is would have been tantamount to arson. That's a joke Pulsar & Aus so please don't even give it a moments thought. I mean I think I can put 2 words together to deceive someone into thinking that I might have sense but frankly speaking I felt intimidated from merely reading that thread. Then out of nowhere I was blindsided by your comment. I nearly died laughing you half wit!. Next time stick with the tone of the thread. Otherwise go fly a little thingy that soars the skies on a windy day. Something which I know you'd prolly enjoy.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2006
  16. toyotaman

    toyotaman Guest

    Otherwise go fly a little thingy that soars the skies ????????????????
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2006
  17. droogie01

    droogie01 Member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    " i once knew a man from nantucket......" oh wait...never mind this was suppost to be the nice threat lol

    sorry my brain says nuthing yet my fingers keep moving :p
  18. Jamzbond

    Jamzbond Regular member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    DROOGIE!! you're begging for a spanking. I need to have a chat with your mom asap :)

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    I'm not a mod, so you can safely tell me to go fly a kite. But I warn you I can still report an offensive post...LOL

    I was just trying to soften the mood of the thread, and it was really just a joke. If you'll notice that up until that point the only posts I made were lighthearted.

    But what do you think of the idea? I think it's a pretty good real life, you've got the people that you talk to, maybe regularly, (the buddy list) and then you've got the people that you hang out with (the best buddy list). I think AD could profit from being more clicky. LOL
  20. MaxBurn

    MaxBurn Regular member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    @JamzBond and ADers,

    Im back, because as we all know, once addicted, you cant quit easily. I am addicted to this place. But this addiction is not bad, and may even be helpful in my case. I had to get away to see if AD was a problem, or contributing to my problems. It isnt, and it didn't take me very long to find that out.
    The community here is really great. If one abides by the rules, help will pour out of the woodwork. Any of us start violating those rules, and we can expect some tough love from one of our mods and not much help from the regulars. That is fine, as someone has to keep order. You guys are great, and i will try to get back to "normal". I know, im not normal, but normal for me is what i was trying to say . That poem you put up was great Jamz. :)

    Just let me go back to being strange. Ill try to act like nothing happened. Im ok, the voices in my head tell me so. :)

    I wont try a poem. I think ive subjected my buddies to enough damage already.. LOL

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