Hello, folks. I have a rather preplexing problem. I have NO router, NO firewall, and WINDOWS FIREWALL is disabled. I had this comp for few years, same AntiVirus (AVG 7.5), same AntiSpyware (Adaware). Never a problem before. Today, however, I had a rather weird situation: At about 2pm my comp shows me "Limited Connectivity" signal. I reboot the machine, and it works fine, however ALL ports are blocked. ALL of them. I can still get online, but any software, like Skype, SmartFTP Client, etc. Simply DO NOT WORK. "No connection" message. I used telnet command to my localhost IP address (Telnet 127.0.01: 4662) to ping several of the ports. In ALL cases the connection has failed. What can block the ports if I have no firewall of any kind and no router. I call my ISP, and they assured me that they do not block ANY ports. Can someone, please, help? Thank you very much D