how do you mean slow as in speed or performance? what are your computer specs, what antivirus & antispyware programs are you using?
hi thanks for your reply norton fire wall and anti virus and windows xp firewall do i need all this to keep safe
i dont think that's enough..get a couple of spyware and adware blockers. and the window firewall doesn't do much's windows.
how much ram do you have, what is your free resouces or system performance?? -download & run ccleaner from to clean out the crap in windows like cookies, history & whatever -download, update & run ad-aware se from -download, update & run spybot s&d from -download, update & run AVG 7 for windows from -do an online scan with free housecall
if your talking about those shitty programs that say 'speed up your pc by 50% now!!' etc then dont waste your time. Instead check out the tweak sites and maybe overclock a little. also be sure ALL your drivers are up to date, not just graphics but agp, modem, motherboard etc them speed up programs are totally useless believe me.