This is hardware right? at the moment ive got an old oem acer pc case and i wanna new one to fit a larger motherboard in. does anyone know where i can g et a reaaaalllyyy cheap decent one without a PSU? one where when i lift it up the motherboard hdd etc, WONT fall out the bottom xD i was hoping for one below $20 and in Australia thanks peeps!
i see... :/ could someone recomend me a case thats really good for its price? with no add ons? that would be great thanks! i was looking a this one: of course i wouldnt use the PSU that came with it for that price!
If you want something cheap that isn't a piece of crap you should consider buying second hand (or scrounging in someones garage) Here in NZ we have A lot of Aussies use it too, bear in mind something as big as a PC case is going to cost a lot to ship overseas but you guys must have a similar auction site?