i got a sony DCS-P51 digital still camera , i take a phto oof somthing and i slip the mem stick into the PC via pcket reader and the computer sees the mem stick but doesnt show the files on it (fotos). so wat do i do?
It's really not that no1 luvs u sasha1303!!!!! Let's troubleshoot. 1. you take a photo 2. camera puts photo on mem card 3. pc recognizes the mem card ( ***is mem card full or empty?***) 1. I can assume your PC should be working because the mem card shows up. 2. I don't know if your camera is actually recording to the mem stick 3. The camera may be trying to record to the mem stick, but the stick is bad, and won't allow pics to be recorded. ...suggestions... 1.Try a different mem stick (usually SD-RAM) to rule out you may have a bad one one. 2.If two mem sticks fail to work your camera may be defective. 3.And to rule out your PC, take the mem stick in to a photo shop and ask politely if they can retreive your pics for you or ask a friend with a PC that can help retrieve them from the mem stick. 4.See if you can record anything on either mem stick with something else possibly.AND, have your PC recognize it!! *sigh* Love Weycraze
my PC says it has somthin in it , and the camra shows the pics i took . See before i rebooted it was workin fine , but after it doesnt . i tried my dads 128mem stik and it works fine , but the 16mb doesnt (i could add on like pictures or somthin via computer tho )
Well, if you're Dad's 128Mb stick works fine and the 16Mb doesn't... It would seem clear to me to suggest a different card. A 16 Mb card seems quite small, does your camera support this? If you have the owner's manual, it will tell you what cards and mem sizes are supported. Or that card isn't good. Hope this steers you in the right direction Weycraze