My dvd drive is shot in my other xbox i have no money to go out and buy a new xbox drive however i have a samsung DVD-Rom drive(model:sd-612) is there any way to use this drive in my xbox to play games?
I dont know much about it at all but I do know the power connects will be extremely different so that will be one problem you will run into, and Im sure there are other things too
you can use any pc dvd drive in ur xbox console as long as it is IDE and in slave mode. you need a standard pc power cable splitter. 1. unplug power cable form xb hdd and connect it to power splitter, connect other 2 ends of power splitter cable to hdd and to ur pc dvd drive. 2. unplug the ide cable from xb dvd drive and connect to pc dvd drive. (WARNING: do not disonnect any other cables from xbox drive) 3 power on xbox and insert game or disk in pc drive. to play close pc drive and xbox drive. or close pc drive and restart your console. NOTE: pc drive can only read burnt games and a moddchip is required. however if you don't have a modchip some samsung drives can be flashed with kreon firmware to play xbox games.