I usually use my laptop but my charger is on the fritz the now and i have to use the Pc in the living room but it seriously has a problem. At least once a day it totally freezes up and i can't do anything except move the mouse pointer about and have to turn it off manually by holding the power switch down. Apart from this most of the time it just runs really slow and get "not responding" notices for a while when i try to run more than 1 app at a time. It usually catches up with itself but its a real pain to use. It is a Hewlitt Packard g3001.uk,with Intel Pentium D CPU 3.00 GHz, 512MB RAM running Vista Basic 32bit . I hear machines with not the best hardware components can have probs running vista if its not up to it and maybe the Pc just isn't good enough but is there a chance i could post a hijack this log or something similar and someone could take a look at it and see if they can notice anything running on the machine that maybe causing the problems ? I have tried checking for spyware and viruses and used a couple of registry clean up tools but nothing seems to make a difference. The hard drive is nearly full with music and videos now, but it can't be that as it has been acting up before all that stuff was copied onto it. Thanks in advance if anyone is helpfull enough to try and lend a hand.
512mb of ram and vista is slow. max out the ram to 2gigs. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145098
ballboy, get more ram as 1 of my customers got a brand new dell laptop with 512 meg of ram & vista, ran as slow as molasses til upgraded to 2gig of ram. the thing to remember is eventho you have 512meg of ram, you actually don't as you loose some to the builtin videocard of the laptop making vista even slower yet.