Hello all, I want to buy a wide screen LCD for my PC, I would prefer it would be 24 inch but I am willing to go to 22inch if the quality is a lot better. My budget is 400$ and i would like to use the LCD to also play my PS3 and if possible PS2. BTW i live in Mississauga/Ontario/Canada so if anyone knows any stores in the area that have deals and or cheap prices please tell me. Thanks
Something like this? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824001278 A good 24" with multiple analog inputs is going to set you back more than 400 dollars.
what about this? http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/pr...665000FS10098388&catid=25616&logon=&langid=EN Does this seem good (having it play ps2 isn't necessary) + i dont want speakers for it, i already have a good sound system
heh, more than 400 though, isn't it? Sorry, I should have assumed a bit of flexibility there. That will work fine with a PC and PS3, and will give a good picture as well.
Is BenQ a good company for LCDS? I found this http://www.canadacomputers.com/index.php?do=ShowProduct&cmd=pd&pid=019092&cid=MT.863 But i dont know about the specs. What do you think?