Yesterday my computer was running just fine and I got an email saying the tv capturing program I use (snapstream-beyond TV) has come out with a new update. So downloaded the new update and when it prompted me to reboot the computer I did. When the computer rebooted something had happened it was running VERY VERY slow. It takes it like 30 min. to log on and boot up does anybody know wut could have caused this or how I could fix it. I already am in safemode and am limited to the amount of stuff I can do. I ran a virus scan came up with nothing, uninstalled that new software, system retored the computer 2 days prior to update, defragmented the hardrive and also ran adaware software. Im out of ideas so if anybody else has any that would be great. thanks
Have you tried a restore point to at least one week ago? Have you run a cleaner to rid your system of old links? It's my opinion that you run C Cleaner (freeware) in issues mode, and rid your system of these. (freeware) Don't forget the all important restart, after changing your reg files. PS: Save your "changes to reg file" to a folder, and back this up to be sure.
Sounds to me that it caused a process to use 100% load on your CPU. You need to identify what process is using your processor up. Boot normaly. When windows is trying to load hit CTRL-ALT-DEL. Go to the processes tab. In the CPU colum find a number that is high. May be 99 or even 100. System idle process is normal to display 99. Once you find the high number look at the image name and write it down. That will be the process that is causing your troubles. Research it on google. Do not expect task manager to pop up instantly after hitting CTRL-ALT-DEL may take a minute or so. -Del
I would boot into safe mode (press F8 between the bios and Windows Loading screen and select safe mode) and uninstall the program. If not, maybe it was phishing you and the installation gave you a rootkit. Download AVG anti-rootkit free and run a scan. But, I think the program was written poorly and it just needs to be unistalled. This happened to me once when I installed the MagicISO Virtual Drive.