My firend and I both have laptops both have windows XP When he starts his computer the pc orally greets him, it says goodmoring, goodafternoon, or goodeveing in a females voice. How can I get mine to do that, if it's software,do you know any freeware programs/sites. Thanks
I bet alot people wish their wives would be so forthcoming.........LOL Anyway, he has probably got a recording of the females voice and saved it to his hard drive, and then selected to play it for the Windows startup function. Found here: Click Start Click Control Panel Click Sounds/Speech and audio devices Click Sounds and audio devices Click on the sounds tab at the top. You should see a list here of all the sounds in the library that are assigned to various functions within Windows, eg Startup and exit etc. What you need to do is capture/record/download some audio clips and save them in c:\Windows\Media as a wav file. Then highlight the option you want (exit windows), goto browse, then select the file you want, play it and then click apply. You can have a play around with the ones in their to get the hang of it etc. I recorded some audio samples from Men Behaving Badly series (UK) and have them in there, better than the music and can't beat a little customisation............. Hope this helps...........
if its not a windows recording then it may be a voice editor in his POST - my asus motherboard can do it. Arnie(terminator voice) greets me by telling me he has a "nuronet processor a learning computer" which makes me chuckle everytime i boot the beast up. Find out what kinda laptop your friend has. BTW for anyone thats interested the voice mesg in post actually tells you if IDE cables are connected correctly or hard drive is missing etc - no more beeps! You can record your on voice(or arnies)in windows then flash it to the POST.
Consider myself educated, I didn't know that was available during POST,me is going to have a snoop around................
Sorry,I meant to say verbally.My friends computer is a Dell Laptop.When he powers up, the welcome screen comes on,then the computer says goodmorning,or goodafternoon,etc.I want to find a program that makes my computer talk to me,tells me time,I even heard that it can tell you if somethings wrong.Is there a program ,and how much would it cost,or can I find a free program? Thanks everyone.
thats what they said in the previous posts as to do with the bios. only 1 i know that does that is asus motherboards but not all