Hello i am having a hard time trying to get my laptop running at decent speeds while playing any game , even just the standard flash game from www.miniclip.com doesn't run smoothly. Well it does run smoothly when i first try to play the game then about 5 minutes in it starts to slow down and go jerky , this is happening to all the games i try to play and no its not my laptop being too slow because i really want to play RED ALERT 2 and that requires a 333mhz processor and my laptop has a AMD Turion 64x2 Mobile Technology TL50 (1.6Ghz, 512kbnL2 cache). So as you can see its not that please any help would be appreciated as i have tried everything i can think of. Ive tried using deamon tools , uninstalling programs , disk defragmentation. Oh and i forgot to mention it all started (as far as i can remember) last year just after i installed Kapersky Anti Virus 6.o , it is asif Kapersky has a built in virus scanner for applications running , if this is the case could people please point me it the right direction. Thx in advance ....
My only explanation is that u have a virus on ur laptop..or...u didn't uninstall kaspersky b4 installing another anti-virus software...juts run a virus scan. What Graphics card do u have?
well i guess so because the game always runs full spead for about 5 minutes max , i am juts updating my video card driver , will post bk after ...... thx for the help guys !!