I just got one of my brothers old PCs and what it does is it will turn itself off and when you try to turn it back on it will keep going off. you have to wait a minute or 2 to get it to come back on. I haven't been able to figure an exact thing that does it. I unzipped a 4 gig file and it did fine. Then when I tried to open a window and off it goes. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Matt
i think your computer crashes. Did you try reformatting it or checking the system and hardwares of your PC?.. Good Luck "Happy All Souls Day"
The computer worked fine when he used it but when he brought it home he reformatted and went to partition the drives but none of the drives showed up so he put in a new HD and tryed that. He got one of the Hds to work and then got the other working and after he got all that done he started updating everything and when he did XP SP2 thats when it started. Sometimes when you restart the PC it says the computer wasnt shut down properly check the CPU speed. Something to that effect. Hope all that helps. Thanks Matt
Is the operating system that you put on the computer a copy? For some reason Microsoft had put a bug in the program that makes the computer just shut off.
Be sure to check in device master to make sure there are no obvious problems and that the drives are in DMA mode, not PIO mode.
And yes it is a copy but its the same copy from the computer Im on now. And on his laptops. Plus he has had this computer for awhile. And before he gave it to me he just reformatted to clean up everything. Nothing is different from when he had it before.
Sorry for all the separate posts but as long as it just sits there not doing anything its fine. I had it on for almost all day and when I tried to install Nero it cut off.