these days there is no real difference an apple can emulate a windows machine and a windows machine can emulate an apple there was a time when apples where the best for designers but now it just a matter of taste and how much you wanna spend i'd stick to windows the spares and upgrades are much much cheaper than apples
MACs are more stable and run the MAC OS and are loved my video and Music editors altho it matters not MAC has whored out to intel so its only a matter of tiem befor it becoems truely eaqule to XP or vista
As mentioned you can emulate both, but I say Windows. Mac tries really hard though, and I think sometimes Windows rips off Mac's ideas and styles. It's also hard because mostly everything is made for Windows and not Mac, even though alot of changes are being made so Macs can do more let's be honest, Windows does and probably always will have the monopoly of computers.
MAC/Mercedes Benz PC/Honda A great deal of what PC has to offer today was initiated and sometimes refined with MAC i.e. The WINDOWS concept. MAC has mastered the build of computers, often innovating the world of computers by way of design and even efficientcy. Traditionally MAC has done more with less i.e. their processors, which are often smaller in size but are relied upon to power complexed audio and visual software programs, like Quark and Pro-Tools. These two industries are almost totally reliant on MAC. Which is also a means of justifying MAC's high cost. For every day common use, low cost, and even user friendly I would and have gone with PC. I like that you get more bang for your buck with PC. Huge processors override the need for constant upgrade. Low cost maintennance and more compatible software with a few other unmentioned benefits make PC overall more attractive. A MAC by comparison to a sizeable PC system i.e. 3+ GHTZ processor or better would be a major 2000+ purchase and would be just the cpu before monitor. The new systems include the monitor and cpu together again for an innovative and uniquely MAC approach. Did I say MAC's are very pretty and attractive something that really does not matter much to most PC users. Hey if you have the dough and can afford the software, knock yourself out, go with MAC. But if you want broad compatibility at a affordable price go with PC.
excuse me? the mac initiated windows ? i think not lol i was making windows on my zx spectrum. nothing like windows 3.0 but they worked everyone was writing windows style software back then it's just bill gates lived in the same country as ibm AND had a better pachage than us amateurs but if he had sold windows then we would probably have a different but better o/s probably linux based and anyway anything a mac can run a pc can run just as well and sometimes better
when the mac was using the 68000 series cpu which was rectangular as i have 1 68020 chip, it was the largest physical sized cpu at that time.
That is not really true. Ten years ago, when macs WERE more stable than windows, yes it is true. But I have been using ProTools on my PCs at home, and it runs just as good and just as stable on the P.O.S. G5s that I teach ProTools on at school. For people who don't know how to build a computer, or use complicated programs, then stick with your over-priced, ikea-looking macs. But for me, I'll stick with the computers that I can actually build myself, and use an OS that there is actually software and games available for, thank you.
Mac was and continues to be for some the industry standard for professional audio recording. I write and record alot of music and spent many hours learning tricks and tips that were Mac specific when using studio machines. In the past high end audio recording software tended to lean towards the Mac interface. Now nearly every software developer creates for both platforms. Other than that, I've never touched a Mac. There are so many programs being developed now that most people who record would never think of spilling out the price of a car for Cubase or Pro Tools anymore. I think that Mac's Garage Band is a phenominal tool for home recorders though. Very simple and it produces great results. Wow, am I ever off topic. I don't know that I'd ever put out the extra cash for a Mac. And I'll have to agree that the ability to easily alter hardware and or build my own system will keep me pounding away on a pc for awhile. Regards, Stitch
Thats not necessarily true. I've used Pro Tools for six years, and have taught it for the last three. Pro Tools runs just as good and just as stable on PCs as it does macs/ We use G5s at school, and my PC system at home works just as good. I've been to many studies who use PCs for Pro Tools as well. Ten years ago, yes macs were more stable than windows, but that is not the case anymore.
yeag mac has less viruses, it costs less than pc in the long run with all the programs and upgrades, also mac runs 2x faster than pc
Do you guys think that mac will be used more then pc in the next 100years? I go with pc cause you can't do half the stuff you can do on pc it's just fancier.