I am at my wits end with my pc. For about two months now it just wont turn on. I know the power supply went bad so I replaced it but it still wont turn on. I think it might be a motherboard issue. I'm praying its not a CPU issue. I don't have another desktop to test the parts on so I'm wondering if any of you have any suggestions. I'm sure I've left out a piece of information so if I have I'll do my best to add it as requested. I'll give my specs as well. Thanks a lot guys. ASUS P5N-E SLI Corsair 4GB DDR2 BFG 1000W Power Supply Seagate 750 GB Hard Drive NVIDIA 8800GTS 640 MB
Without knowing the brand of the video card, my best guess would be the Asus mainboard...but that's just a guess based on how many dead Asus boards I have seen.