Hello, and thatnk you for helping i am kinda a newbie so take it easy on me My pc specs are: Windows XP PRO Asus motherboard ATI ASUS 1600PRO vedio card ---> 2xdvd burners 250G SATA WD HD Sound Blaster 5.1 sound card My computer will stat (i will see the XP logo loading screen)--->but after that, instead of going to the blue welcome screen my computer screen will stay black?? This is a very weired problem and my sceen will saty like that and i cannot do any thing from there?? I have tried several monitors and still same problem. I have tried diferend VGA ports (video card and mb) and still black screen. Now the funny part is the screen says its on and doesnt go into stanby mode? Very wierd. I have tryed restarting and taking out the video card several times and still same problem. Any sugestons or tips ????? [
Windows might be corrupt. Try restarting and press F8 and select Last known configuration and see if this helps. If this doesn't work going into safe mode by restarting/press F8 and select safe mode. Post back and let us know what other symptoms you have, if any.