Well my pc has been lying up for a while, The old PSU went on fire last year some time and i just use my laptop since, But the last while i want to do some online gaming so ive tried to get my pc up and running. Basically my problem is, I turn on my pc and the fans spin for a second and then go off. The pc starts fine if i leave out the power going to the the graphics card in my AGP slot? Im not getting and display on my monitor, I tried my setup on another motherboard i have and its the same problem, So im left to the conclusion that my Graphics card is faulty? If i try to start the pc without the graphics card in the motherboard it doesnt start either. just kicks in for a second and then dies. I dont have a spare graphics card to try it, My setup is p4 2.8ghz overclocked to 3.2 512ddr ram, MSI motherboard, nothing too fancy but im just a little lost? Anyone have any suggestions for me? I have another motherboard on the way but i think im still going to have the same problem with it aswell. Thanks, Derek.