This is a picture I found on the internet because I couldnt find my digital camera to take a pic, but my PC's inside looks exactly like this. right now im running the integrated video card but am looking at upgrading, but I was told PCI are pretty much out, its now PCI-E's So that is what my computer looks like. Does it support both? Im looking to get a PCI-E card I just wanted to make sure this was going to work first I have the 2 white slots labelled PCI1 and PCI2 And I have the long yellow one labelled PCI_Ex16 and the small yellow one labelled PCI_Ex1 I just wanted to make sure these are PCI_E capable so im 100% sure before I buy something. I know I need to check the power supply and stuff too I just needed to know about this first. Thanks
you need to get a video card that says pci-e x16 for your computer.(that's the standard slot nowadays for computers). At the computer store they will only sell the following 1. pci-e x16 slot (newest motherboards) 2. agp x4 (old motherboards) 3. pci (very old motherboards hard to find). If you want a midrange card get a ati 4670 those don't require a seperate power cable and well play almost all games. But there are also cheaper cards available.
Ok, so what your saying is that my motherboard supports it then because I have a PCI_Ex16 slot??? Its to play WoW.... that's all I need it for. I just wanted to make sure I could use a PCI_E x16 card.
Yes, a Sempron is a single core "economy" processor, analogous to the Inrel Celeron. Performance Is likely to be an issue and I wouldn't overspend on a Video card as you're likely to NEVER see full performance.