Hey, when i start my PC up the onboard speaker starts making irregular beeps like mad, not all the time only sometimes, now it’s not a problem with any of my major hardware as in ram, cpu or gfx card because i know the type of beeps to listen out for, I think it’s the keyboard or the keyboard slot on my motherboard (ps2 slot btw) I don’t have another keyboard or i would have gave it ago b4 posting. Any advice will be much appreciated.
check to see if any of the keys are depressed or sticking!! also try without the keyboard. try another mouse just in case causing conflict with keyboard
Wouldn't normally recommend it but, unplug the keyboard and give all the keys a right good hammering, this normally convinces stubborn keys to free themselves............ as ddp suggested, does sound like key/keys sticking......... If you have 'halt on keyboard error' setup in the CMOS then it would prove the keyboard/keyboard port as a possible problem............
I will try all the things you guys said and post back. Also is there any way that a bad speaker that could be doing this?
Well i took the keyboard out and i never got any beeps i tried it five times. Am going to buy a new keyboard and see what happens. Thanks for the help guys.