Peer Guardian

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by xxmodxx, Jan 21, 2007.

  1. xxmodxx

    xxmodxx Guest

    I typed it in google, downloaded it from free or shareware site...
    I didnt get any virus or adware.
    What is the correct way to set this program up.
    I clicked block everything except HTTP i think.
    I need it to block...everything i guess.

    This being ran while surfing web, slows me down right?

    Any help or tips, thanks.
  2. rdmercer1

    rdmercer1 Active member

    Nov 11, 2004
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    disable the program when you want to surf the net and enable the program when you are downloading
  3. xxmodxx

    xxmodxx Guest

    is there a certain way to install?
    cause i had options on what to block, i blocked everything except HTML i think.

    Thank you
  4. bunny_c

    bunny_c Guest

    as rdmercer1 said,disable it when using your computer and switch it on when illegally downloading.


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