Why did Ultrablade and Thirst97 both get suspended purmanently? P.S. If I'm not suppose to ask this question, mods tell me and I'll take it off...
Couldn't tell you exactly why but thirst was developing a very poor attitude and was close to being banned by me so he probably pushed it too far.
If they change their attitudes, is it possible that they can come back? (I don't think so because they are suspended PERMANENTLY but I'm just asking..)
yeah they can come back and sign up with a different email addy but they have to stay cool or there out again
It's not specifically mentioned in the forum rules but those that come back need to be on their best behavior.
or you could just ban their ip address and to get back on they would have to put their pc back to factory settings and i doubt they would do that for ad
No they don't....They have to call their ISP and change it....And some people have the same IP adresss..Like AOL users and stuff Have similar Ip's
Try following the rules.Stop being stupid and disruptive.I have had no problems with ddp or neph(or any other mod).In fact how often do they ban some idiot that deserved it?Pretty often. Now how often do they ban someone who doesn't deserve it?Almost never! I have never been suspended or banned and the mods can tell you that.I was warned by ddp and neph "back when" but listened and said sorry.Do the same and go far,if not get banned again your choice! Don't think lightning won't strike twice because I've seen it strike over a dozen times on the same idiot(true story lol).And think I've only been a member for like 2 months! Don't blame the mods for doing their job! They don't get paid! Listen, get wise, and learn, then you can report other stupid idiots for offensive content lol. Just a thought,Peace.
I have three questions: 1. If sum1 gets banned and comes back can they tell u without getting a problem. (Just curious) 2. Am I well behaved? (lol) 3. Are you mods just "the law" here or can we "have fun" with you ppl as well as other members?
s3a, The moderators here can be a bundle of laughs (at least the mods I've dealt with) and they will go out of their way to help you if needed.You just need to keep in mind they are "the law" so don't piss them off and you'll see just how cool they can be! No,I'm not kissing up...just stating the truth. And yes guys,I'll have one ...if your buying.lol!
s3a - 1. depends on who it is and what they did to get banned. 2. no idea. you should know that better than anyone. 3. yes we are the law, but some of us are also human so we do joke around now and then. just make sure we aren't the butt of the joke and it's all good