philips dvp642 xvid re-encode settings

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by arag0rn, Mar 3, 2005.

  1. arag0rn

    arag0rn Member

    Nov 29, 2004
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    For those of you who have this player, and want to re-encode your xvid video file to get it to work with the player (b/c QPEL, GMC, Packed Bitstream, NVOP etc... is incompatible with the dvp642):

    First get the latest VirtualDubMod (1.5.10) and xvid codec 1.0.3 . Go into VirtualDubMod and apply these settings to your re-encode (assuming you're already familiar with the config. tool for xvid codec):

    * Encoded with XVID 1.0.3 codec
    * Set target bitrate 1-Pass to whatever G-SPOT says your original video bitrate is (usally 800-1000kbps)
    * Uncheck: QPEL, AQ, Treillis, GMC
    * MAX consecutive B-VOPS set to 2.00
    Quantizer ratio used: 1.50
    Quantizer offset used: 1.00
    * NO PACKED bitstream
    * Closed GOV checked
    * interlaced encoding off
    * aspect ratio set to SQUARE
    * use MPEG for 2 disc+ encoding and H.263 for single disc encodes
    * Chroma motion set
    * turbo checked :)
    * VHQ varied from 1 - 4
    * MIN/MAX I-B-P quantizers set to 2/31 respectively

    Remember, B-VOP should be turned on or else NVOPs will be created, and these (packed bitstreams) will cause your movie to skip in the player.

    My average time for a 1.5hr clip is about 50 minutes on my athlon 2.1ghz

    Please thank XvidPro over at the forums for coming up with these settings (I added a few notes).
  2. leeoo7

    leeoo7 Guest

    hi arag0rn,

    i think thats exactly the info ivr been looking for.

    i have downloaded virtualdub mod & the xvid codec.

    you say, "assuming you're already familiar with the config. tool for xvid codec"

    nope, never seen it before ;-)

    any chance you could give me a few pointers on what to do?


  3. arag0rn

    arag0rn Member

    Nov 29, 2004
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    Cant seem to find preview mode for this post, so hopefully these pix show up ok....

    go into vdubmod, select fast recompress from video menu...then compression...

    select xvid at bottom...

    You are now in xvid config tool... the settings explained above you will find in here...


    After all the settings from the list have been set... ok your way out... drag and drop the movie into virtualdubmod. If a message like this comes up, hit yes..

    Click file , save as avi , pick a name and hit save. The encode process should begin.
  4. leeoo7

    leeoo7 Guest


    top answer arag0rn.

    thanks for taking the time to help [smile]

    il give it a go tomorow & il post results.

  5. vibe69

    vibe69 Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    u said about 50minutes for a 1.5hour movie, well i have a p4 2.4C, 512ddr ram dual channel, 120gig sata hdd, and it takes me like 1hour for like a tv show which is 40minutes long...
  6. arag0rn

    arag0rn Member

    Nov 29, 2004
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    what is your video fps ranges when you do the encode?

    I guess I should have mentioned that I overclocked my processor quite a bit. Benchmark on SciSoft sandra shows that it runs equivalent to a p4 2.8ghz.... (athlon 3200+)

    My memory is kingston 4000ddr (it is running at 370mhz right now). This is probably the main reason for the difference.

    You may want to try disabling video input and video output when the status window during encode shows...

    1.8vcore,220x10.5,xp2100+ stock,air cooled
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2005
  7. vibe69

    vibe69 Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    my memory is kingston pc3200... dual chan. and the fps i dont quite understand what u mean?
  8. tdu

    tdu Member

    Sep 5, 2004
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    Anyone happen to have a re-encoding tutorial for Mac (OSX)?
  9. ignar

    ignar Member

    May 22, 2005
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    hi thanks for the tutorial, but i cant get audio and video sync with virtualdub, i can re/encode the video perfectly but the sound is still desync....does anyone know what setting should i use..thanks fot the help
  10. fjn666

    fjn666 Member

    May 24, 2005
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    got the same prob, audio starts stuttering and goes out of sync after about 15 mins.
    I am not trying to correct it with Dr. Divx, not so optimistic about it tho :-(
    Last edited: May 24, 2005
  11. fjn666

    fjn666 Member

    May 24, 2005
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    it worked. so at least with my problem avi, I carried out the following:

    1. virtualdub as explained above.

    2. then run it through Dr. Divx at Home theater quality.

    then sound and video should coinside (cross fingers)
  12. ignar

    ignar Member

    May 22, 2005
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    thanks, i'll try it. Althought my solution was to re/encode both audio and video and the avi file plasy perfectly sync, the problem is that the size and quality drop 100mb.
  13. bossfn

    bossfn Member

    May 29, 2005
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    A lot of people in this thread are using VirtualDub and VirtualDubMOD interchangeably...they're different programs, the mod has been altered from the original version, I really hope everyone is using the MOD version of it, that alone could clear up some problems...especially with audio.

    And of course, if you have a slower processor, then you will result in slower times, also, if you have two hard drives and re-encode from one hard drive to another, it greatly reduces the time it takes...I think it goes without saying to not run anything else while you're re-encoding for optimal results.

    Thanks for this thread...I have South Park season 3 in xvid and the files would skip forward constantly, very familiar with xvid and codecs, noticed a few small differences using gspot but I wasn't 100% on what to change. I can't wait to try this out. Thank you!

    Also downloaded all the 007 movies, took forever to unrar them all, then join the 2 xvids per movie, then burn to dvdr, only to find it they have AC3 audio. That's going to take me quite a bit more time to fix.
  14. batucada

    batucada Guest

    thanks to arag0rn and XvidPro for the excellent guide. pictures really help me in the learning process.

    to ignar and fjn666,

    regarding the audio sync problems:

    the first avi i tried fixing with VirtualDubMod (to remove qpel for play on the Philips DVP-642) went perfectly. the quality from the original was virtually indistinguishable. more importantly it plays on the Philips 642 now.

    the second avi (with the same qpel issue) i re-encoded using the same method but it put the audio slightly out of sync.

    both movies had the "VBR audio stream detected" box pop up asking "Do you really want to keep the VBR header?" to which i chose "Yes" as directed in the guide

    i reattempted the re-encode for the second avi. i followed the guide again (all the correct VirtualDubMod settings seem to be saved after the first time...nice) this time when the "VBR audio stream detected" box came up i chose "No" to "Do you really want to keep the VBR header?" instead...after the re-encode the audio was in sync. and it plays fine on the Philips.

    to LisaB, if you read this? thanks for all of your help with the DVP-642

    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2005
  15. sirbob575

    sirbob575 Guest

    how do u change the brightness of an Xvid clip permanently
  16. wyntre

    wyntre Guest

    Just my 2 cents on this issue.

    After spending the past few weeks dl'ing tv eps like mad (CSI, CSI:Miami, CSI:NY, BSG (2004), Dr. Who 2005, and a ton of other stuff) I got tierd of making coasters that would not play in my DVP-642.

    Most were excellent quality xvids off HD broadcasts - superior sound and video! However, most would not play directly on the Phillips without re-encoding.

    [bold]arag0rn[/bold] - your guide is AWESOME and I am really glad you took the time to post it! One problem I have is that VDMod keeps craching on me every time I run it. I can run regular VD with no problems, but of course I don't have control over the audio synch "issue" like in VDMod. (On a side note, anyone know when they will patch VDMod so that it can handle the audio correclty? After all, when playing the original xvid, the audio stays in synch the whole time!)

    Anyway, I have resorted to simply running the xvids directly through Dr. Divx in Home Theatre profile. There is a slight drop in quality, most noticeably in the credits or any other text on the screen.

    **** Please note that sometimes the avi produced by Dr. Divx looks very pilexated (blocky) when playing back on a PC, but trust me, it plays fine on a TV****

    So I just wanted to let readers know that as long as the xvid plays correctly in it's original encode, then a straight xvid to divx via Dr. Divx seems to work just great!

    Also, if anyone is interested, I am serving on scifi-net.#scifi under the name Wyntre. Feel free to contact me there sith questions. All my files play on Divx certified devices!

  17. arag0rn

    arag0rn Member

    Nov 29, 2004
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    To those still having problems with sound sync issues after using above guide, please upload me a small clip (<10mb) of the ORIGINAL movie you have to a server somewhere and send me a link via private msg.

    To create a small clip :
    After draggin in movie, hit the "HOME" key , drag the slider bar at the bottom a short distance and then hit the "END" key. Make sure "DIRECT STREAM COPY" is selected from the video menu before saving clip.

    I will try to find out why it is still causing problems, and post the results if I discover anything. Help me help you. Thanks.
  18. 1Adonis4u

    1Adonis4u Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2005
  19. arag0rn

    arag0rn Member

    Nov 29, 2004
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    To those still struggling with audio sync issues...

    Something you may also want to try to fix the audio out of sync issue is adjusting the STREAMS --> streams list ---> Interleave submenu. You will have to play around with the numbers to get it to sync correctly, positive and negative values corresponding to whether audio is too early or too late.



    [bold] Please note that you must select "NO" on the vbr audio stream detected prompt (see picture from first post) when you first open the file with vdubmod. [/bold]
  20. ignar

    ignar Member

    May 22, 2005
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    arag0rn, the problem with changing the audio time is that the dvd philips dvp642 doesnt play the sound, it does play video but no sound,
    thanks anyway.

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